Emus – Dromaius novaehollandiae


Native to Australia and in abundance, the emu is the second-largest living bird in the world. Grouped within the ratites, emus are part of the large, flightless birds, and can travel great distances with sprint speeds reaching 50 km/hour. Their diet consists of plants and insects. Females tend to be more territorial and aggressive with each other while looking for a mate, while males take on the job of egg incubation.

Come meet our emus out in the field, Amazon, Gregory Peck, and Huckleberry. Amazon, the female, is the largest of the crew and the most dominant. The other 2 boys are very curious and will come up close to the fence line for peanuts. But watch your Bling-Bling! Emus will peck anything that strikes their fancy, especially if it’s shiny.


Jacob Sheep – ovis aries


A significantly old breed, the Jacob sheep origin is not entirely known, but thought to be referenced multiple times within the bible. Traditionally, the sheep have been domestically bred in Britain, and were often used as “park sheep” to ornament estate properties. The sheep have two unique traits – they are piebald with dark coloured areas of white wool, and are multi-horned. Although most have four horns, some have been seen with six.


Located in the upper field, our sheep herd is a visitor favourite. If you have peanuts, you will hear all of them before you see them with their characteristic “baa-ing”. Most are friendly, and all have names, including Starfish, Rambo, Flower-Top, Abel, and Mama. Come meet the sheep gang, but don’t forget the peanuts!


The Elk – Cervus canadensis


Come meet Snowflake and the gang out in the field across from the Emus. All females, the elk are timid but will occasionally come close for peanuts. As Snowflake is all white, it won’t be hard to spot her. Depending on the heat, you may see the elk up close and sunbathing or in their shaded tree spots.

Part of the deer family, the elk is one of the largest mammals in North America. Like all deer, males shed their antlers every year and engage in various aggressive mating behaviours during the rut. For the remaining of the year, adults generally stay in single-sex groups. Their diet consists of various types of vegetation, and bark.

Sika Deer – Cervus Nippon


The sika, spotted, or Japenese deer is native to East Asia, although has been introduced to other parts of the world. The sika deer is one of the few species of deer that do not lose its spots upon maturity. The sika deer is very vocal with over 10 individual sounds. Like all species of deer, the males antlers shed every year. An outer layer of velvet covers each, which provides the antlers with blood containing oxygen and nutrients needed for growth.


The Sika or Japanese deer are another favourite at the zoo – with their cute, baby-like whistle which typically means they are hoping for peanuts, it is almost impossible to refuse them. And if they couldn’t get any cuter, they are now proud to introduce the newest member of the family, a fawn born this past spring!



White-tailed deer – Odocoileus virginianus


The white-tailed deer is a medium-sized deer native to both North and South America. The coat colour varies dependent on the season – being reddish-brown in the spring and summer and grey-brown in the fall and winter. Hence the name, the white-tailed deer is recognized by its underside white tail which raises when alarmed. This signals to the predator that it has been detected. Being a generalist, the deer are very adaptable and can survive in a wide range of habitats. Their diet mainly consists of a variety of vegetation and legumes.


One of our friendliest animals at the zoo is our White-tailed deer, Beanery. Living with Mini-me the goat, and Bonnie Pretzel the emu, these 3 are one of the most unlikely sets of best friends. But best friends they are, as you will always see the 3 together and occasionally may see them lying together. Don’t forget to feed them peanuts! They typically spend a lot of time up close to visitors, and Beanery enjoys head scratches!

Pygmy Goats – Capra aegagrus hircus


The Pygmy goat is a miniature breed of domestic goat and one of the most adaptable, thereby being able to live in all climate types. This species of goat was bred from a West African dwarf goat and was imported from Africa around 60 years ago. Their diet consists of a variety of greens and grains. Little known fact, goats love to have items in their enclosure to jump on!


A favourite for peanut feeding, our pygmy goats will come right up and eat peanuts out of your hand. Watch them in their playground, as they love to jump on any and all items arranged throughout their enclosure! Their platform playground is altered every season for enrichment.


African Crested Porcupine – Hystrix cristata


The crested porcupine is one of the largest species of rodent native to Africa. The entire body is covered with bristles, with the characteristic quill crest that runs from the head to the back. The quills at the tail end of the porcupine are used for rattling to deter potential predators. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines do not shoot their quills! The crested porcupine is nocturnal and mostly terrestrial but does have the ability to swim. They collect and store copious amounts of animal bones for gnawing and chewing in underground chambers or caves. Their diet consists of roots, leaves, insects, and carrion.

Being nocturnal, Boo-boo the African crested porcupine, spends most of the day in her den although ventures out for a walk-around various times throughout the day (especially for peanuts and at feeding time!). Although many people are a little timid with getting too close to her, don’t worry because porcupines do not shoot their quills (it is just a myth!). If Boo-boo does happen to come close, she is most likely hoping for some peanuts!

Patagonian Cavies – Dolichotis patagonum


Snap, Crackle, and Pop, our cavy trio lives right next to the peccaries and peacocks. If you listen closely to them feeding, you may here their guinea-pig like chirping. Interesting looking, these guys physical appearance has been compared to a kangaroo, a rabbit, and an antelope.


Part of the rodent family, the Patagonian cavy or mara is native to Argentina.
Resembling a jackrabbit, the cavy has long hind legs that give them the ability to jump significant heights. Being a herbivore, the cavy mainly eats green vegetation and fruit. The cavy is monogamous and lives with several other pairs of cavies.

Ferrets – Mustela putorius furo

It’s hard to miss our ferret family, as you can smell them as soon as you walk past! Like skunks, ferrets release anal gland secretions for scent marking having a very distinctive smell. With a few mothers expecting, there will be babies on display shortly!


Part of the weasel family, the ferret is the domesticated form of the European polecat. Coat colours are varied but generally are brown, black, white, or a mix. The name “ferret” is derived from a latin word meaning “little thief”. Ferrets typically live in social groups called a “business” with males being significantly larger than females. They are apart of the carnivore family.

Prehensile-tailed Porcupine – Coendou

Giggles, the female prehensile porcupine, lives right next to our Ring-tailed Lemur family. Can’t spot her? Look up on the highest branches! Being nocturnal, Giggles spends most of the day sleeping on the highest platform. If you’re lucky, you may catch her at feeding time. Her favourite treats are bananas and corn!


Characterized by their unspined prehensile tails, this species is native to both Central and South America. Most of their time is spent high up in the trees and all feet are modified for grasping. Their diet consists of fruit, leaves, bark, and roots. They have a unique vocalization that sounds almost “baby-like” for communicating. The young are born with soft-hair that hardens into quills the older they get.

Peccary – Tayassuidae


True to their skunk pig name, Sid and Johnny will definitely be smelt before they are seen. Although stinky, they are quite the charming pair. On hot days, you will most likely catch them either blowing bubbles in their bath or enjoying popsicles for a treat. You may get to see them scent mark each other by rubbing each others backs! They both love bananas and peanuts.


Also called a skunk pig, the peccary is a medium-sized hoofed mammal native to Central and South America. The peccary has many physical similarities to that of a pig, such as, the snout, eyes, and middle walking digits. Their large variety diet includes insects, grasses, fruits, and seeds. Peccaries will rub their tusks together making a deterrent sound for potential predators. Being social, peccaries live in herds and will scent mark each other using scent glands on their backs.

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